Clients often come to us for a fresh, new look. Maybe their current website is out of date. Or maybe they’re launching a web presence for the first time. Either way, they’ve come to the right place.

But I’m going to let you in on a secret. A well-designed website alone won’t change anyone’s impression of you.

Here’s the truth about selling yourself on the web (or anywhere else, for that matter): image matters. You wouldn’t show up for a job interview in a stained t-shirt and cutoffs. Or greet your interviewer with a “sup, bro?”—right? The same goes for your presence online. The way you speak—and look—matters.

That’s why all the modern web design in the world is worthless if your content—everything that goes inside the design—is crap. I’m talking about things like:

• Super-dense, jargon-filled, corporate-speak. Nobody talks about “best-in-breed enterprise turnkey process workflow management solutions” when they speak. So why write that way? Explain what you’re selling in plain English, and readers will respond.

• Text wtih speling and grammer erorrs. If you’re looking to build credibility, this is a big one to watch out for. Writing blunders reflect majorly on your business. If you can’t be bothered to spell-check, what else will you overlook?

• COPY THAT’S WAY TOO SALESY!!! Visitors know you have something to offer. So you don’t need to beat them over the head with it. If your writing reeks like a sleazy used-car salesman, readers will bolt before you can say “BUY NOW!!!!”

• Low-res, grainy, out-of-focus images. Know that saying about what a picture’s worth? The same goes for your website. Photos that look like they were taken with a cellphone say “shoddy” and “unprofessional.” And if you’re trying to sell, compelling images are worth more than just words—they can make or break sales.

Looking and sounding your best online isn’t easy. And there’s no perfect way to do it—the style you choose should reflect your business’ values and culture.

Up to the challenge? Many companies (especially those with dedicated marketing/communications teams) take the task of producing high-quality images and content upon themselves—and they excel.

Others prefer to enlist the services of a professional copywriter. They may invest in stock photos, or hire a photographer to capture the ins and outs of office life. (Oftentimes, an outsider’s perspective is exactly what you need.)

Whatever you choose, Atomic can help. We can connect you with Web writers and photographers that will take your site from good to great.

You’re investing time and money in your image, so we know you want to look your best. Think of us as the friend you can always count on to tell you when you have spinach in your teeth. We won’t steer you wrong.

Want to be sure every piece of your image is on point? Call Atomic, and we’ll make sure you’re ready to impress.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, Web design trends are changing fast. One week, a design technique is creative and cutting-edge. The next, it’s pathetically passé.

Why? Because the thing about trends is, once everybody catches on, they don’t seem all that cool anymore. (That doesn’t apply just to web design. Think of how quickly the Harlem Shake went from clever to ohmygod-make-it-stop overdone.)

I’m not saying you should pooh-pooh Web trends altogether. After all, ideas usually become popular for a reason: because they enhance user experience or offer new ways to present information. But if you’re a designer, try to understand why trends are useful before you imitate them blindly. Then, take those great ideas—and add your own twist.

Here are three trends I’ve noticed all over the Web lately. If you ask me, these are approaching Harlem Shake status. They’re all the rage now, but before long, they could make sites look out of date. Here’s how to use them without being just another hanger-on.

1. Continuous scrolling. As I wrote in a previous post, scrolling can be awesome for small sites, like product launches. Sites like this and this create a natural user experience where readers can passively scroll as they take in the “story” you have to tell.

On the other hand, one-page sites can be bad for SEO, because there’s less for Google to index. They can also be frustrating for users unfamiliar with the format or looking for specific info. If you must use a scrolling site, try anchor tags and “you are here” states to let the user know where they are on the page.

2. jQuery animations. JQuery is a great way to add a little something extra to your site. It can be used in so many ways, from animating drop-down menus to bringing background photos and other site elements to life.

The problem is that designers tend to go overboard. Too much animation can be overwhelming—and can lead to longer loading times, especially on mobile sites.

Here are examples from Apple and Tapmates of jQuery at its best. My advice: use animation in moderation.

3. Flat web design. Flat design—meaning sites without 3-D attributes like shadows, bevels, and gradients—has been huge this year. It’s great for responsive sites, since lack of texture means site elements can change format and load more easily. And flat design simplifies a site’s appearance, making users focus more on content. (It’s also part of a growing trend away from skeuomorphism.)

But I’ll be honest. I think flat design is often just an excuse for lazy designers to work less. The design possibilities in Photoshop are endless. And we should be creating sites that match our clients’ branding—not just ones that are easy.

If sites like this make sense for your brand, fine. But we shouldn’t be building them by default.

There’s no telling what trends 2014 will bring. My advice: don’t get too attached. Because if you think a trend is totally cool, chances are tons of others do, too. And if you want to stand out, you can’t just follow the crowd. To stay ahead of worn-out trends, you have to be ready to abandon convention and try something new.

Want a website unlike any other? Atomic’s designers can help create a site as unique as you are.