Entries by atomic

The Importance and Effectiveness of Mobile Responsive Web Design

In today’s digital age, having a mobile responsive web design is no longer an option but a necessity. With the increasing number of people accessing the internet through their mobile devices, it is crucial for businesses to ensure that their websites are optimized for mobile viewing. Prioritizing mobile responsive web design is essential for every […]

…because every picture tells a story…

When you go to a website what is the first thing that stands out at you? The Photos, what is there for you to look at. Photos on your site have a big chance of engaging your visitors. Giving a visitor something pleasing to look at increases the chance of them further looking into your […]

What Marketing Certifications Should I Have?

3 Marketing Certifications Every Business Should Have So, what does every business owner want? If I had to guess, it’s more leads and conversions (unless you’re that guy who purposely wanted to throw me off.) You need leads and conversions in order to have a business, but how do you get those leads? Let’s say […]

Inbound Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

What is inbound marketing? Inbound marketing is the practice of bringing customers to you, rather than you trying to go to them. Its methodology is customer centric and typically includes SEO, blogging, videos, and valuable content. Traditional marketing is typically associated with cold calling, cold emails, and is disruptive in nature. Traditional marketing became so […]

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How to Get Your Website to Show up on Bing & Yahoo

SEO for Bing & Yahoo What if I told you that your business may be missing out on almost 35% of customers. Now that I have your attention, let’s talk search engines. Everyone knows Google is king when it comes to search, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect the others. According to ComScore, Bing […]

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How to Perform Keyword Research

Content is King, but Keyword Research Takes the Crown Most people are familiar with keyword research, but for those of you who don’t, keyword research is when you research various words and phrases that people may enter into search engines. Keyword research is important because these terms can help you formulate an effective content and […]

How to Create an Email Marketing Campaign

What is Email Marketing & Why is it Important? Email marketing is a method of marketing that is meant to reach audiences through the use of email. This is usually done in conjunction with advertisements, newsletters, free resources, or other means in order to build a relationship between your company and the customer. This is […]